Melissa Kaylene: Fun, Fabulous Weekend! (and a Suprise!!)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fun, Fabulous Weekend! (and a Suprise!!)

Welcome back!

  Its been a busy weekend around here. Yesterday our tiny town had its annual harvest festival. We took the kids down to a little parade, and mingled in the park, looking at the booths and food and the kids got to play on the free bouncy house. I love it when small town communities get together and bring everyone together for fun.

Noah watching all of the big trucks in the parade!

three ducks in a row, waiting for their turn on the bouncy house

  Yesterday was also my Anniversary, 5th to be exact. Seems like now-a-days that's a pretty big deal! We've been together for nearly 8 years, so it kinda seems like it should be more than just 5 years to me. :) We were fortunate enough to have my bestie Carolyn; she came over and babysat for us so we could go to a nice dinner/movie date.

  We ended up at another restaurant that was on my bucket list: Tina's in Dundee. Its in its 20th year, and is smack down in the middle of our little "Napa", the Dundee Hills. Its a quaint little space, seating about 50. I always try to be brave and try something new. My husband says I've come along way the past 8 years with my palate and am becoming adventuresome! That's good and bad. Good because I'm really into eating junky fast food, bad because I like the fancy restaurants now, which means $$$!
Our appetizer, can't remember everything, but it was pork belly, nectarines, and a bunch of other stuff ;)
my entree...I was brave and tried roasted duck breast in a black-cap cherry sauce, with summer corn risotto. There happened to be swiss chard on the side (which I was unaware of until they presented the dish)....I was brave and took a bite. One bite was enough for me!
  Wayne's entree was delish...he had grass fed beef short ribs in a bacon bourbon sauce, cabbage slaw, and roasted potatoes. I'd be lying if I said I didn't trade half of my duck for those short ribs! We shared a bottle of Riesling, and ended our dining with creme' brulee and a blueberry nectarine cobbler ala' mode.

  Okay, now for my suprise!!! I've got some news for all of my fellow bloggy friends! Natasha over at Serenity You has chosen four women to be blog contributors,....and I am one of the lucky four! This is super exciting for me, as I'm fairly new to blogging and feel honored! Check out all of our intros HERE. There is also a great link party every Saturday at Serenity You, you must check it out so you can see all of the inspiring projects and recipes!

Until Next Time,



  1. Happy (late) Anniversary! (Sorry)....and CONGRATULATIONS on the blog site!!!

  2. Hello!!

    Stopping by from the GFC blog hop today :)

    What a great blog! I´m glad I found it! New follower!

    Smooches from Germany
    Annik // Grapefruitprincess ReLoaded

  3. Sounds (and looks)like you had an awesome day--and congrats on the anniversary plus being asked to be a blog contributor!! Newest follower from the GFC blog hop. Would LOVE it if you could visit my humorous site and follow back--I'd be very grateful. Thanks for sharing!
